orbital mechanics - How is the altitude of a satellite defined, given ...
Nov 28, 2017 · In orbital mechanics, the position of a satellite can be defined using orbital elements (which have some advantages over other coordinate systems, for typical orbits). Orbital elements describe a position in relation to the centre of mass of the Earth or any other body. For example, one of the orbital elements is the semimajor axis, which for a ...
orbital mechanics - What are these orientations called in orbit ...
Orbital mechanics is a study of second derivatives: F=ma. The directions along the red arrows (v-bar) are useful in orbital mechanics because these are the directions along which you want to thrust to minimize gravity losses. The blue arrows are useful because angular velocity points in this direction. The green arrows?
orbital mechanics - Why is delta-v the most useful quantity for ...
Mar 26, 2019 · My experience in solving physics problems in mechanics has taught me that energy, linear momentum, or angular momentum are usually the most useful quantities. Delta-v doesn't seem to be a good proxy for any of these quantities, since it's not squared like the kinetic energy, but it's also not a vector like the linear and angular momenta.
orbital mechanics - Difference between true anomaly and mean …
Jun 30, 2017 · What is the difference between true anomaly and mean anomaly in orbital mechanics? I want to understand the physical meaning of mean anomaly, for example true anomaly is the angular position of a satellite/object when viewed from earth/focus but what is the corresponding mean anomaly for that true anomaly.
orbital mechanics - Calculate flight path angle given semi-major …
May 4, 2020 · Compute orbital parameters from transverse and radial velocity at a given distance from the focus 3 Calculate velocity vector of elliptical orbit given the position vector at that point, the instantaneous speed, the true anomaly, and the inclination?
orbital mechanics - Re-entry Dynamics - Space Exploration Stack …
Nov 20, 2015 · I've dealt with orbital mechanics in the past but this seems like a whole new ball game. At this point I just need a few numbers to work with (max g load, heat flux and max temp) so that I can use those parameters for material and structural design.
orbital mechanics - Calculating the radial, in-track and cross-track ...
$\begingroup$ Raw distance is a bad metric for collision risk because all distances aren't created equal. This is due to the position covariance (aka position uncertainty) of the objects.
What are the choices today for orbital mechanics simulation …
While not a simulator for orbital mechanics, I found this Trajectory Browser from Nasa to be interesting. More game-like is the LEO launcher app and the launch simulator . There's the JPL 3d simulator and the Near-Earth-Object Simulator (both web based).
orbital mechanics - How to interpret and use characteristic energy …
Mar 19, 2018 · orbital-mechanics; Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Mar 19, 2018 at 2:53. uhoh. asked Mar 18 ...
orbital mechanics - The Martian: Does it really take a …
Sep 17, 2017 · Little in the way of air or external forces, short of gravity which can be calculated between the spacecraft and the Sun and planets and little else, centrifugal force only during the maneuver itself, almost none of the fluid mechanics that …