Should I use "in the second half" or "on the second half" when …
Oct 7, 2022 · "Scored 2 goals in the second half of his last game" or "Scored 2 goals on the second half of his last game" or "Scored 2 goals during the second half of his last game".
"The second half of the second decade of the third millennium"
Oct 10, 2020 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
grammatical number - Singular or plural for seconds - English …
For quantifications ending on a something, we have half a something, a quarter of a something because it is still relative to 1 (or a) The same is the case for time, weight, money and other quantifications. 1 second/kilo/dollar; half a second/kilo/dollar; a third of a second/kilo/dollar
each half or every half? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Oct 5, 2022 · If I want to tell that during football game there was 5 minutes of additionls time in first half and sam in second half which of the following sentences would be correct and why? "5 minutes of additional time in each half" or "5 minutes of additional time in every half"
time - Q1 2024 but 1H 2024. Why? - English Language Learners …
Jul 2, 2024 · To my knowledge: one typically writes Q1 2024 and not 1Q 2024 to designate the first quarter of 2024 (example). one typically writes 1H 2024 and not H1 2024 to designate the first half of 2024 (ex...
hyphens - What are the rules for capitalizing the second part of a ...
Jun 4, 2021 · Thank you, but in the article linked above, the Chicago Manual of Style says this: "If the first element is merely a prefix or combining form that could not stand by itself as a word (anti, pre, etc.), do not capitalize the second element unless it is a proper noun or proper adjective."
phrase usage - Does *first of all* always go with *second of all ...
Second, many people consider "Second," as a more correct or formal method to introduce the second point, but many people use "Secondly,". The phrase "Second of all," is logically incorrect: it would literally be the "second to all but the first", and in that regard, many consider it an egregious mistake. But it can be used for emphasis:
prepositions - "in" or "on" the 3rd week of July - English Language ...
First, I think you're correct when you say that in would be a better preposition than on for these examples. As one commenter said, on is typically used when referring to a specific day (e.g., on Monday, on the last day of the quarter, on her birthday, on the thirteenth).
"Half of the" vs "half of" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Apr 3, 2015 · Over half of domestic flights were delayed because of bad weather condition. First, Is there any difference b/w the use of "half of" and "half of the"? Second, does it affect the use of singular/plural if we use "half of domestic flights" instead of "half of the domestic flights"?
difference - "all the way (through)" and "to the end" - English ...
Stretching a point, if you'd seen the first half of the movie one night, then the second half sometime later, all the way through would work much better than [all the way [through]] to the end. But that's a contrived/unlikely context.