This report was prepared by EAT and is an adapted summary of the Commission Food in The Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets From Sustainable Food Systems.
The EAT-Lancet Commission presents a global planetary health diet that is healthy for both people and planet. Discover the report’s key takeaways and specific actions that we all can …
EAT, the science-based non-profit dedicated to transforming the global food system, in collaboration with partners the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), the Potsdam Institute for …
The EAT-Lancet findings introduces the planetary health diet, the optimal diet for people and planet. Join us by eating more plants and reducing food waste.
EAT-Lancet 2.0, co-chaired by Walter Willett, Johan Rockström, and Shakuntala Thilsted, brings together 24 Commissioners from 17 countries across various fields including human health, …
Conclusion The global adoption of healthy diets from sustainable food systems would safeguard our planet and improve the health of billions. wasted all heavily shape the health of both …