Warren Buffett's holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, first acquired a stake in the large U.S. bank Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) ...
Older investors — people Buffett’s age, their baby boomer children and generation X — have long looked to Buffett’s insights.
An employee from Berkshire Hathaway's pilot training company FlightSafety International had a near flawless record guessing ...
Warren Buffett’s dream of awarding $1 million in his company’s NCAA bracket contest is coming true. An employee of ...
Despite an increasingly sprawling portfolio, Buffett still likes to bet big on his best ideas.
The employee, who was not identified, picked 31 of 32 winners on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament.
It took nearly a decade, but someone finally won Warren Buffett's $1 million NCAA Tournament bracket challenge. The winning ...
Renowned for his systematic, value-oriented investing style, famed investor Warren Buffett has famously avoided ...