Prešov 31. marca (TASR) - Hokejisti Prešova si v pondelkovom úvodnom stretnutí semifinále play off Tipos SHL poradili s Považskou Bystricou hladko 6:1 a ujali sa vedenia v sérii. Hetrikom sa v domácom ...
Slovakia supports the European Commission's (EC) intention to continue negotiations with the USA on tariffs on imported goods until the last moment, Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said in a phone call ...
BRATISLAVA 08.00 Parliament to hold a special session with no-confidence motion in Defence Minister Robert Kalinak being the sole point on the agenda Parliament, Namestie A. Dubceka 1 09.00 Parliame ...
Pozsony, március 31. (TASR) - Kedden (április 1.) erős szélre kell számítani az ország több járásában - figyelmeztet honlapján a Szlovák Hidrometeorológiai Intézet (SHMÚ), és elsőfokú figyelmeztetést ...
Rím 31. marca (TASR) - Futbalisti Hellasu Verona remizovali v pondelkovom zápase 30. kola talianskej Serie A s Parmou 0:0. Celý duel odohral za domácich slovenský stredopoliar Ondrej Duda, jeho krajan ...
Bratislava, March 31 (TASR) - Foot-and-mouth disease hasn't yet spread to other farms, leaving Slovakia with five outbreaks of the disease, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Richard Takac (Sm ...
Prague, March 31 (TASR-correspondent) - There are no confirmed cases or suspected cases of foot-and-mouth disease in the Czech Republic, however, due to the proximity of the outbreak to Slovakia, the ...
New York 31. marca (TASR) - Hráčmi uplynulého týždňa v zámorskej hokejovej NHL sa stali krídelník Nikita Kučerov z Tampy Bay, center Roope Hintz z Dallasu Stars a brankár Connor Hellebuyck z Winnipegu ...
Bratislava, March 31 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party has repeatedly pointed to failures in measures to prevent the spread of foot-and-mouth disease, SaS MP Alojz Hlina said ...
Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) condemned on a social network on Monday the comments made by Finnish President Alexander Stubb, who in an interview described Slovakia and Hungary as ...
Banská Bystrica 31. marca (TASR) - Tréner Vladimír Országh povedie hokejistov HC MONACObet Banská Bystrica aj nasledujúcej sezóne 2025/2026. Vedenie extraligového klubu sa s ním dohodlo na pokračovaní ...
Economy Minister Denisa Sakova (Voice-SD) will receive United States Ambassador to Slovakia Gautam Rana on Monday, the ministry told TASR on Monday, adding that the main objective of this diplomatic ...