Matt Staehling will leave his post in St. Cloud to replace David Montgomery, who aims to retire for his third time.
The passage of a resolution Monday could resolve a long-lived legal battle over the future of a fire-damaged historic ...
Minnesota United and Hassani Dotson have not been able to agree to a contract extension over the last few months and Dotson’s ...
From the column: "I have seen so many kids pick out one book with enthusiasm, only for the staff to tell them to pick four ...
Minnesota Department of Transportation snowplows will be named through the annual contest, which is open for voting through ...
The U of M's Natural Resources Research Institute still hopes a $1.3 million grant will help it study the feasibility of ...
After two weeks of successful power-sharing, the Senate will revert to a majority following Tuesday’s special election. The ...
The next few weeks look quite a bit milder than last week, but still near normal temperatures. The Great Lakes ice cover will ...
Participants in the race have 60 hours to reach the finish line near Tower on bike, ski or foot. They started in ...
From the editorial: "As long as anyone downtown feels compelled to ask what they can do to protect themselves, clearly, more ...
Also this week: "Romy and Michelle" at Zeitgeist, Lake Superior Writers host "Type-In," Cider North at the DECC, Laskiainen in Palo and "Cash for Gold" starts streaming.
St. Luke's new million-dollar hospital will officially open to the public this weekend. Thousands of Duluthians are expected to tour the structure. Low bids totaling $2,566,918.40 for the construction ...