The state secretary in charge of programs assisting persecuted Christians stressed that Hungary will continue to stand by ...
The number of knife-related crimes in Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalia state has surged by nearly 50 percent. Young men are ...
Hungary's prime minister wished the Hungarian people a Merry Christmas, quoting from a poem by Transylvanian-Hungarian poet ...
Mr. Traski noted that during the Ukrainian holidays, Russian forces tend to escalate their military activities. His story ...
Most migrants arrive from Greece and Bulgaria, with many using Bosnia-Herzegovina as a transit country before continuing their journey toward the European Union. During the registration process, many ...
And now, Enter Taleb A., a Saudi-born man who has lived in Germany since the early Merkel era. In Magdeburg, he not only ...
In a year-end interview, the prime minister addressed questions about Europe, Trump, and the controversial clemency case.
The leftist-liberal leadership in Brussels has become completely detached from reality and the will of European citizens, ...
A nemzetgazdasági miniszter 35 ezerre csökkenti a vendégmunkás-kvóta maximumát.
Jobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.
Jó pár éve hagyománnyá vált, hogy az elÅ‘szilveszteri bulit a Random Trip rendezi a Várkert Bazárban. Most sem lesz ez másképp ...
Az Oroszországi Föderáció Védelmi Minisztériuma bejelentette, hogy egy Szu-34-es vadászbombázó sikeres támadást hajtott végre ...