The court said that ghost guns, which are virtually untraceable weapons that require assembly, are considered "firearms" and subject to ATF regulation.
To boot, the company's new .21 Sharp design was based on one of the most popular and oldest cartridges on Earth: .22 Long Rifle. To better understand what Winchester did in this new round and why ...
Gun control vs. gun rights continues to be a hot-button issue in Oregon, with more than two dozen bills relating to firearms introduced this legislative session. None have yet to gain serious traction ...
I shot my first coyote with a Browning A-Bolt chambered for the 270 Winchester. It worked, but that’s not a gun most would consider a true coyote rifle. Given that we live in a country where we ...
Barrett is known for long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. The company’s products are used by civilians, sport shooters, law enforcement agencies, the United ...
The British army is said to be the 'laughing stock' of NATO because its outdated rifles wouldn't be able to kill Russian or Chinese soldiers in advanced body armour. The army still uses the ...