Bees make great pollinators, but so do butterflies. Here are some tips on how to attract butterflies with a pollinator garden ...
The best way to support and maintain a healthy sustainable community is by protecting wildlife, birds and pollinators.
He told followers: “As the temperatures get warmer in April, it’s a great time to reseed your lawn”. To reseed your lawn ...
Hedgehog numbers are reportedly down in recent years, as the species has been hit hard by changes to the environment as well ...
Hedgehogs are in serious decline in the UK, but gardeners can help them thrive by simply drilling a small hole in the bottom ...
Birds are beneficial to the environment and even human health but they need the right accommodations from food and water to ...
If you're lucky enough to have an outdoor space, you may want to put on your gardening gloves as April rolls around and do ...
"First monarch caterpillars I've spotted in my brand new native garden," wrote the original poster. Emma Pelton, an endangered species biologist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, ...
The M.S. Hershey Conservatory is the jewel in the garden’s crown, a glass palace housing tropical plants that would wither at ...
The play of light on water surfaces adds a dynamic element to the gardens, creating moments of sparkle and reflection that ...
Just because we’ve already enjoyed a couple months of flowers by June doesn’t mean we should give up on the rest of the year ...