Chicago's luxury condo market struggles as a Gold Coast property sells for 20% less than its initial listing price.
Landlords of Class A buildings are benefitting from the lack of development deliveries as well as high mortgage rates.
The change was made to ensure neighborhoods would have more access to locally grown produce and fresh food options.
Here's how Glenstar's recent Wacker Drive acquisition reflects broader trends in Chicago's office real estate.
Downtown Chicago will see the smallest number of new apartments added to the market in more than two decades in 2025, which ...
A new casino slated to open in the heart of downtown Chicago is being accused of violating U.S. civil rights laws by ...
Net monthly rent at Class-A downtown apartment buildings was $3.60 per SF in Q4, an increase of 2.6% from the same time frame ...
The Gap factory outlet recently announced plans to open on State Street, potentially providing a spark to the Loop.
Private group rentals are the company's bread and butter, but its buses are about to enter the intercity commuter business ...
What makes a restaurant romantic isn’t just the food—it’s also the setting and ambiance, whether that’s an intimate, ...