A naked, muscled youth appears to rocket into space in Sadao Hasegawa’s That Floating Feeling (1980). His body throbs magenta ...
Researchers at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School have found new guidance that will help elkhorn coral survive when ...
Edinburgh-based printmaker and linocut artist Rosanna Reade has been working on a collection of prints with an ocean theme.
JOHOR BARU: A non-governmental organisation is conducting bi-weekly surveys on some of the popular islands in the country following reports of mass coral bleaching. Reef Check Malaysia (RCM ...
(AP Photo/Yannick Peterhans) Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] NHA TRANG, Vietnam (AP) — The gentle waves off the coast of central Vietnam’s Nha Trang obscure an ...
curid=11137678, via Wikimedia Commons. Welcome to our list of the Top 10 Coral Reef Animals. How can you not fall in love with the amazing animals below the sea? I experienced coral reef animals from ...
Since before she could remember, Eva Llabrés was a snorkeler. Her grandfather, a fishmonger from the Spanish island of Menorca, bought Llabrés her first mask and fins; throughout childhood, she was in ...
A new study suggests that the removal of predatory fish such as sharks from coral reefs may be a key factor driving outbreaks of coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish. Dr. Mark Meekan and Dr ...
What coral researchers could really use is a computer model that simulates how polyps grow into complex structures from simple physical rules. Such a tool could help them understand how reef ...
Armed with pencils and textbooks, they continue their lessons despite the looming danger. Helen Zille earns praise for unveiling modest car Cultivating coral to revive reefs ‘Nightmare crisis ...