But if you look carefully, you might be able to spot some neon signs in older districts, like many in Kowloon. Use your ...
The Cookeville Art Studio and Gallery presents their monthly gallery showing, an exhibit by the Cookeville Camera Club. The event is free and open to the public. The exhibit runs through March 28 ...
In September, the transport authority said some fines were wrongly imposed after two cameras in Chingford, north-east London, “became misaligned” for a brief time. It was thought the cameras ...
A large mobile surveillance trailer, equipped with a loudspeaker and multiple cameras, was installed at the corner of NW 6 and A Street just across from City Hall. Multiple residents at the city’s ...
Amidst the rising threat of deep fake images and videos targeting politicians and celebrities, Ai-Da is urging global governments to adopt a universal symbol for AI-generated content. View on euronews ...
OpenSAE (Open Symbol Art Editor) is an editor and generator for the pseudo-vector symbol art graphics supported by the game Phantasy Star Online 2/PSO2 NGS. OpenSAE supports converting any specified ...
These days, every phone has a camera, and few of us are ever without ... are proving controversial to say the least. As all good art does, Paragraphica explores this and raises new questions ...