These shrimp and grits aren’t just a meal; they’re the reason alarm clocks were invented. Worth waking up for ... that I’m convinced someone in that kitchen must have a stopwatch dedicated solely to ...
While much of automotive history revolves around men, it was a woman who came up with the windshield wiper, and another woman ...
Trying to prove the real inventor of the March Madness pool seems about as implausible as picking a perfect bracket.
But a more recent innovation was causing an even bigger stir: the Garis-Cochran Dishwashing Machine, the only device in the ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Could it really be true? That of all of college basketball’s urban myths, one of New York’s five boroughs is actually the birthplace of filling out an NCAA Tournament bracket ...
Before all those office pools truly defined March, betting the bracket was the supposed brainchild of an Irish pub owner in Staten Island — a “creative businessman,” his son calls him ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Could it really be true? That of all of college basketball’s urban myths, one of New York’s five boroughs is actually the birthplace of filling out an NCAA Tournament bracket ...
It’s a classic pub-quiz trivia question: who invented Wi-Fi? Australia! The clever country, creators of one of the hallmark technologies of the internet age. On a day the Trump White House is ...