You know my rule: You are not a real gardener unless you start and grow at least one plant from seed for your yard. Another ...
Your little seedlings have outgrown their seed trays, but it's not time for them to go in the garden—now what?
Last fall, we reported on two varieties of heatless habanero peppers that were developed at Oregon State University. If ...
If pollen from a hot pepper fertilizes the flower of a sweet pepper, all the hot pepper genes from the father plant go into ...
Once you begin sowing seeds indoors, it doesn’t take long to figure out there are advantages to starting some veggies earlier ...
As winter fades, the garden requires careful preparation to ensure optimal conditions for your vegetable plants. Martha begins with cleaning and prepping her garden beds, an essential first step. In ...
Home-grown tomatoes can offer superb flavor and texture since they don’t have to withstand shipping or long periods of ...
Seeds vary in regard to germination time, growing time and date to set out into the garden. Time your indoors seed sowing ...
By Jackie BantleSASKATCHEWAN PERENNIAL SOCIETYIn gardening, a transplant is a plant that is moved from one location to ...
The cultivation of cash crops, the main agricultural products in Kaiganqi township, Kuitun city, has developed into a complete industrial chain of peppers, integrating breeding, seedling cultivation, ...
Growing seeds indoors requires bottom heat until germination, followed by eight hours of light a day. Starting plants in milk jugs is nice for a new gardener, McCartney said, or someone who wants to ...
You can start with a simple and cheap pot of supermarket basil and turn it into your own large supply to last you all year.