The "Wheel of Fortune" category was "Event," as the two-word puzzle read ... Fortune" announcer was heard overhead saying, "Daniel, easy on our host, but celebrate with $40,000," as the contestant ...
Everyone wants to perform well and win big on the show, and as more viewers gear up for their chance to compete, a future ...
Over those 50 years, Wheel of Fortune has seen its share of hilarious, but wrong, guesses, contestants who solve puzzles on the basis ... She didn't make things easy for herself, selecting the ...
"Wheel of Fortune" viewers are divided over whether a player's odd pronunciation of a puzzle called for Ryan Seacrest to rule ...
Only a fortunate few have won the $1 million-dollar top prize on TV's Wheel of Fortune. Since the stake was introduced in ...
Zinzi’s flubbed answer set her on the back foot, and she never recovered, ending the episode with a $1,000 goose egg.
Ryan Seacrest ruffled a few feathers after a controversial puzzle guess ruling. This week, one "Wheel of Fortune" player missed out on the first puzzle of the episode and a $1,000 prize after ...
Outrage from fans was sparked during the Mystery Round of the episode, where contestants had to solve a four-word "Before and After" puzzle. The puzzle read: "L O V E / L E T T E R / O _ / R E S I G N ...