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Conti will package its brake components with a patented dual-rotor, radial-flux motor, supplied by DeepDrive, to drive the wheels. The technology will be road-ready soon, the partners say ...
Porsche raced hub motors 127 years ago. Now Orbis offers the torque, cost, and unsprung weight that may finally move motors back out to our wheels. Back in 2018, Orbis Wheels demonstrated a hub ...
From L.A. and Detroit to Geneva and Tokyo, MotorTrend covers every major auto show in the world as it happens. Although some shows are changing, others are ending, and new ones emerging ...
Sedačky ve třetí řadě jsou pochopitelně jiÅŸ menÅ¡í a jsou ukotvená poměrně nízko. Motor má dostatek síly a zejména točivého momentu (550 Nm) na to, aby zajistil dostatečně sviÅŸné rozjezdy nebo pruÅŸné ...
Motor Trader is delighted to announce the finalists for the Motor Trader Commercial Industry Awards, ...