The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
Guests at Marietta's Aviation History and Technology Center were treated to four additional exhibits Saturday during a visit ...
The French Army's Battle-Lab Terre laboratory is testing an intriguing helmet from Japan called the Ronin, which protects not ...
Leading Technology Composites has secured an $856.7 million contract from the U.S. Army for the procurement of advanced combat helmets. The Department of Defense said Thursday the firm-fixed-price ...
The locally-based company has now jumped into producing advanced combat helmets, with a nine-figure U.S. Army contract in hand. The Department of Defense disclosed last week that LTC has been ...
Our previous outreach efforts, also supported by Veterans Affairs Canada, saw Helmets to Hardhats surpass 150 diverse military-community registrants, proving that with the right support ...
Our previous outreach efforts, also supported by Veterans Affairs Canada, saw Helmets to Hardhats surpass 150 diverse military-community registrants, proving that with the right support, we can make ...
Ben Stiller reveals Barack Obama’s response after he asked him to appear in Severance Soccer star Sophia Wilson announces pregnancy with Arizona Cardinals' Michael Wilson Taiwan Semi plans to ...
A ceremonial groundbreaking for a new 160-bed barracks project at the Nebraska Army National Guard Mead Training Site near Yutan on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. The Georgia army base known since 2023 ...
Avon Technologies said its subsidiary Team Wendy Ceradyne has received a $17.6 million-order from the U.S. Army. The British manufacturer of gas masks and helmets on Monday said that the U.S ...
Noble said the objective of the gym was to serve the various needs of the military community. “We tried to include all types of physical wellness within this facility by not only having cardio ...