On the face of things, not much, but after seeing [Zachary Tong]’s latest video on liquid metal ion thrusters ... extraction electrode and into the vacuum beyond, generating thrust.
However, when applied over a great deal of time in the vacuum of space, it can lead to a huge change in velocity, or delta V. This manner of operation means that an ion thruster and a small mass ...
Bothell, Wash.-based Portal Space Systems shows off the lab where its solar thermal propulsion system will be developed.
Back at the lab in Wellington, the team are now developing their own thruster, which they test inside a car-sized vacuum ...
Electrospray (ES) thrusters generate low thrust via the electrostatic extraction ... ILs additionally exhibit low vapor pressure that allow for exposure in vacuum conditions. Though ionic liquid ion ...
This German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) large-scale facility enables experiments on chemical thrusters under space-like vacuum conditions. The aim of the ...
For this reason, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) operates the STG-ET test facility, which is specially designed for electric thrusters. The core of this ...