The Jharkhand Congress launched a block-level ‘Babasaheb Ambedkar Samman March’ Tuesday from Ranchi’s Khalari. Jharkhand Congress president Keshav Mahato Kamlesh led the march after garlanding the ...
A politically powerful opponent of birthright citizenship railed that the United States cannot “give up the right” to “expel” ...
"It is our responsibility to protect her." Tribe becomes 1st in US history to pass unprecedented constitutional amendment: ...
The companies argued in a lawsuit announced on Monday that Biden violated the Constitution by blocking the merger via a sham ...
Establishing the principle, and enshrining it in the Constitution, was an integral part of repudiating this nation’s history of slavery.
What can the historical use of this awesome power tell us about how we should judge this political inflection point?
Is there any provision in the state constitution that either explicitly or by implication authorizes the General Assembly to enact the guardrails? No, ...