The crew of the Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Scranton (SSN 756) received the storied O’Kane cribbage board ...
The Maritime Museum celebrated USS Cobia’s 82nd birthday on Saturday with a big celebration. “March has two anniversary dates for Cobia,” explained ...
Operation Barney was conceptualized by Vice Admiral Lockwood to avenge the loss of Wahoo and her intrepid crew.
The submarine named for the state of Iowa officially will be accepted into service at 9 a.m. Iowa time April 5 into the U.S.
What happens when a Navy captain and a historian walk into a bar? They come out with a hit podcast about the Pacific War.
When one thinks of antisubmarine warfare (ASW) weapons of World War II, chances are the depth charge is the first weapon that comes to mind. This is understandable, since it was certainly the ...
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
His 26-year Navy career included “tours as commander of Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Command Norfolk, as commodore of Submarine ... captain of the World War II heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis ...
The USS Batfish has been a part of Oklahoma’s history for decades, but today, it needs our help. This historic submarine, which played a critical role in World War II, remains damaged after severe ...