The Wisconsin Maritime Museum invites you to celebrate USS Cobia’s 82nd birthday. Enjoy tours of the submarine, carnival games, photo booth, singing, cake cutting, and a rubber duck derby.
The USS Cobia World War II submarine at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum is turning 82 years old, and a birthday party is planned.
Since their batteries only charged while surfaced, diesel-electric US Navy vessels like the USS Cobia had to move at around 2 or 3 miles per hour to conserve power and hit maximum speeds of 9 ...
Since their batteries only charged while surfaced, diesel-electric US Navy vessels like the USS Cobia had to move at around 2 or 3 miles per hour to conserve power and hit maximum speeds of 9 knots, ...
A view of the USS Cobia moored at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum, Wednesday, February 26, 2025, in Manitowoc, Wis. In September 2025, USS Cobia is scheduled to be dry docked for routine underwater ...
Engineering department officers, assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) and Forward Deployed Regional Maintenance Center inspectors assess the exterior damage ...
An Australian angler recently boated the largest cobia ever caught—by far. The epic catch took place on February 8. Eighteen-year-old Koby Duncan was fishing on a Jazz Charters boat for his ...