The Coast Guard offloaded 37,000 pounds of cocaine seized from drug traffickers off the coasts of Mexico, Central America, ...
California Coast Guardsmen are seeing an influx of migrant crossings by boat — and with them, more foreign nationals from U.S ...
Those who served in the United States Coast Guard (USCG) were at risk of asbestos exposure throughout the 20th century. U.S. Coast Guard members often served aboard ships or flew aircraft built with ...
The Irish Coast Guard has postponed the start of a new Search and Rescue (SAR) helicopter operating system at their base in Co Sligo after safety concerns were raised about the timing of the ...
Hawaii Coast Guard crews remain busy across the Pacific as President Donald Trump’s administration shakes up U.S. government policy at home and abroad. The Honolulu-based Coast Guard Cutter ...
Yesterday, the Coast Guard made an unusual encounter off the coast of southern California. Over a dozen individuals from various nations were discovered at sea by Coast Guard Sector San Diego ...
A offshore patrol cutter rendering. Eastern Shipbuilding image. Lopolight has been awarded the contract to supply navigation light systems for the Austal-built U.S. Coast Guard’s offshore patrol ...
MIAMI, Fla. (WFLA) — The Coast Guard returned 23 migrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally to the Bahamas on Saturday and transferred a suspected smuggler to Homeland Security for ...
The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Waesche’s December-February patrol yielded its largest cocaine seizure ever — more than 37,000 pounds with a street value exceeding $275 million.
Wer beim Wäschewaschen sparen will, sollte nie den Kurzwaschgang wählen. Denn, was viele nicht wissen: Zeit ist Geld, gilt hierbei nicht. Dortmund – Wäsche waschen gehört bei vielen Menschen nicht ...
Faltenfreie Wäsche geht auch ohne Bügeln und viel Aufwand: Diese 3 simplen Haushaltstricks machen deine Wäsche schön glatt. Kennst du das? Du holst deine frisch gewaschene Wäsche aus der ...