China's space program has been advancing rapidly. In 2021, it launched its permanently crewed alternative to the ...
For the first time in history, a space mission has touched down on the far side of the moon. China's Chang'e-4 probe landed in the the oldest and deepest basin on the moon's surface. Making the ...
China will select taikonauts for its first-ever manned moon landing mission from the current pool that has participated in spaceflight missions to the China Space Station, China's first astronaut ...
And the search for lunar ice is part of China’s preparations to build a research base at the moon’s south pole, Chinese space experts told state broadcaster CCTV. “There are some very deep ...
China’s space programme made history this morning when its Chang’e 4 lunar spacecraft successfully touched down on the moon’s far side, which has never been explored. The lunar lander and ...
"China is a very important country for us for economy, security, peace on the Korean Peninsula, and stability in Northeast Asia," former South Korean president Moon Jae-in said Friday on his X ...