In a study published in Optics Express, a research group led by Prof. Fu Yuxi from Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision ...
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory described the complicated maneuver that will get the Trailblazer in a position to reach ...
For a long time, scientists thought the Earth's inner core was a solid ball of metal, sort of like a planet within a planet ...
NASA is testing futuristic, extreme fuel that will transport humans to Mars. They are testing nuclear fuel for future moon ...
President Ronald Reagan immediately appointed a commission to investigate and report on the circumstances that led up to the ...
Step aside, Darth Vader. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s Joint Extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) ...
Explore the Hibiscus satellite, a cutting-edge thermal imaging satellite designed for affordable, high-resolution hear ...
Dave Limp tells Commercial Space Conference attendees what it's going to take to get back to the Moon and eventually Mars via ...
Engineers developed an engine prototype which could reach unprecedented speeds, cutting down interplanetary travel time.
Some whittled down to just 30 percent of their original size, an adaptation to increasing temperatures known as the ...
In a speech, retired Space Force Lt. Gen. John Shaw predicted a future where satellites will avoid being targeted and employ ...