Earlier this year, 19-year-old Alex Yurkiv was killed in a motorcycle accident in Australia. His name isn't well-known, but he co-wrote a Christian song that's been played more than 30 million times.
ELIZABETH BLAIR, BYLINE: The first video that went viral is just a fragment of the song. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) ALEX YURKIV AND THELMA COSTOLO: (Singing) Your love is high like the tide ...
Another series of attempted bombings followed. In the subsequent manhunt the police shot dead Jean Charles de Menezes, an ...
Appearing in BBC documentary 7/7 The London Bombings, Clive Holland broke down as spoke about being left completely alone with deceased victims on 7th July 2005.
As Sir Ian Blair tells the programme ... After discovering one passenger, Thelma Stober, on the track, he did a clean sweep ...
Since 2018, Sandy Cambron and Shannon Blair have gifted more than 3,000 babies ... "This is for you only," Cambron said to a resident named Thelma. "This is her home now. She's yours.