Described as a "formula one racing car for the sky," the Jetson One is an electric-powered VTOL sky toy that can hover, bank, ...
Recent airplane accidents have fueled concerns about whether young children are sufficiently protected on flights and ...
Daniel Nester and Geno Yoscovits met nine years ago at a Pride event at a bar in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Nester arrived alone, but ...
Pad Pilot News has helped pilots discover over 100 quality aviation apps since the invention of the iPad in 2010. Here we've ...
The luxury of the Golden Age of air travel is still alive and well in the first-class cabins of the world's leading airlines.
Don’t look now, but award-winning Kapuso star Alden Richards could soon be taking to the skies as a pilot. Alden is renowned ...
Several airlines are tightening rules on carrying lithium batteries on planes following a series of overheating and fire ...
Forget black limos. The wealthy are commuting to work by helicopter. Meanwhile, noise complaints have jumped 678%.
So, why not explore the possibilities? As an airline pilot, the sky's the limit when you have your own set of wings waiting in the hangar.
Renowned Fixed-Based Operators (FBOs) worldwide offer easy access to private jets while ensuring optimum comfort and luxury ...
What if I told you that in your standard two-car parking space you could now park not just 2 cars, but your own all-weather ...