The Eastern Bluebird is New York's state bird and a sign of spring. The species declined in the mid-1900s but rebounded ...
"With a lack of natural habitat space across many of our stations, bird and bat boxes are a simple way to provide additional places for them" ...
The City of Yuba City and Habitat for Humanity Yuba-Sutter were awarded millions of dollars by the Department of Housing and Community Development, but it wasn't enough to get started.
State officials have wrestled with the Salton Sea's deteriorating condition as its water becomes fouler and its footprint ...
A new conservancy will oversee work to improve vegetation, water quality and natural habitat in the Salton Sea. Will nearly ...
Putnam County Habitat for Humanity will host its annual "Tool and Purse Bingo" on Thursday, March 20, at American Legion Post #63, 218 W. Main St., Ottawa. All proceeds will support PCHFH's new home ...
The spider, whose name is Lilith, is a randomly spawning Easter egg that can appear throughout the attic of Bleasdale ...
As ducks migrate back to the Northwoods, they’ll be looking for places to nest.Wood duck boxes are a good way for people to ...
Joined by UC Santa Barbara students and community members, volunteers and event organizers redeveloped areas of Isla Vista ...
Garden In A Box kits can add pops of color to landscapes using carefully selected water-wise plants that offer interest ...
The Butte Environmental Council organized a 'Garden and Bat Box' building event in Chico on Saturday morning to aid produce growth and support native species af ...