The Abilene Environmental Health Division conducts inspections for food safety compliance. Here are the scores for March 17-23.
It's unclear how many homes they owned together over the years, but according to pictures of several properties, their taste in houses leaned toward cozy and charming, rather than the kind of ...
“The rescue group had built her a kind of like a little hut out of straw so that she could get in there and stay warm,” Kellee Robertson, shelter manager at Norman Animal Welfare, told The ...
On paper, the initiative offers those looking for a cheap leg up the property ladder a run-down Italian villa, flat or house for just €1. Sceptical? As is concerned dad Eric Field (Scott Foley ...
Point deduction 3. Hand towels or a hand drying device is not provided at the handwashing sink, specifically: No paper towels at the back of house handwash sink at start of inspection. Point ...