Discovery in China of tools called Quina scrapers suggests the people of East Asia were as inventive and flexible with ...
Konami has announced Gradius Origins, their latest retro game collection that focuses on their classic shmup franchise.
An amateur archaeologist recently encouraged researchers to take another look at the Farley Moor standing stone, which was once part of a bigger ceremonial site ...
In 1620, noted landscape architect Inigo Jones suggested that it might have been used as an altar, and it has been known as the Altar Stone ever since. Weighing six and a half tons and transported to ...
“The diameter of the hair becomes smaller,” says Luke. “Sebum, your body’s natural oil production, declines with age, which results in hair that is not as shiny, soft or smooth.
Marvel Comics has some of the best superhero teams in comics, as well as some bad ones too. Here are five of the best and five of the worst.
Some movies are about history, but others deal with matters that predate history. There’s something fascinating about prehistoric times, and it gets even more intriguing when you bring those ...
As Shakespeare put it, we all have our entrances and our exits on this grand stage we call life, and now researchers have identified the specific point in middle-age when our brain cells show the ...
Stonehenge gets some well-deserved attention when it comes to British archeology. Between its age, altar stone’s epic journey, and potential origin as a community building initiative ...
“I have been single and dating from age 40 to my current age of 52. Over that time, I would say that the percentage of men who are younger than me that find their way into my inbox has grown two ...
A popular pastime among Americans of a certain age is to wage an internal debate about when to claim Social Security: At age 62? Sixty-five? Seventy? In purely monetary terms, as it turns out ...
"The Age of Disclosure" – billed as the biggest UFO documentary of all time – features shocking claims from 34 senior U.S. officials who are convinced that the government has covered up the ...