The new Ultimate Spider-Man is everything and more than fans and comic readers ever expected, paying off lost dreams of what ...
Superman and Spider-Man are two of the most popular characters in comics and they have an astonishing connection between them ...
is the Spider-Verse comic to END all Spider-Verse comics!” Spider-Man #1 will release on October 5th. Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel and Star Wars releases ...
the writer/director is also returning to Marvel Comics, penning a new Spider-Man and Fantastic Four story for June's newly announced Giant-Size The Amazing Spider-Man #1. In the issue, Smith and ...
The one-time X-Men villain has had one of the slowest burn bad-guy to good-guy arcs in comic book history, and this past week's Amazing Spider-Man #68.DEATHS clinched the deal: nothing can stop ...