The United States Space Force should pivot its focus to keeping pace with weaponry used in orbit by the nation's ...
"That capability gap is significantly narrowed, and we've got to change the way we're looking at space, or that capability ...
China's experimental Shiyan satellite program has long been the source of speculation, especially as the country's rivalry ...
One of DARPA’s concerns is that Russia has allegedly developed a nuclear space-based, anti-satellite weapon that may be capable of blinding hundreds of satellites.
The US has 'observed five different objects in space maneuvering in and out and around each other in synchronicity,' says ...
Good luck getting DoD to adhere to this," one analyst said of lawmakers' attempts to influence defense spending.
Begun, preparation for orbital wars has China has practiced co-ordinated satellite maneuvers in space that resemble aerial ...
China is rapidly building up space warfare capabilities to destroy U.S. satellites in a future conflict and assist in ...
A top Space Force general said Tuesday that commercial systems have observed Chinese satellites rehearsing “dogfighting” ...
US military officials believe Russia and China are aggressively testing new offensive space capabilities, pointing to a ...
The Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology, Tel Aviv University, and nine municipalities across Israel have ...
Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...