As soybean growers evaluate input decisions for 2025, return on investment once again reigns supreme as a critical factor in ...
“Soybean cyst nematode is definitely at the top of my list ... we’ve got our seed treatments that are in order to handle some of those, whether it’s Pythium or Phytophthora… I go back to variety ...
NAPERVILLE, Illinois, March 11 (Reuters) - Every oilseed trader is familiar with the present narrative: the world is awash with soybeans. It's true, global soybean stocks are set to hit record ...
Commitment of Traders data indicated managed money spec funds in soybean futures and options trimming back 19,943 contracts from their net short position as of Tuesday. That took them to a net ...
Soybeans were are posting midday gains of 8 to 12 cents so far on Thursday. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price is back up 12 1/4 cents at $9.49 1/4. Soymeal futures were down $1 ...
Particularly notable is the 10% tariff China imposed on US soybeans (ZS=F), as soybeans are the US's top agricultural export, with China as the top importer. US Soybean Export Council CEO Jim ...
Chinese agricultural scientists are developing new strains of protein-rich corn that can serve as a substitute for soybeans in animal feed, a potential game-changer for China’s drive to reduce ...
CHICAGO — Farmers in the U.S. plan to plant more corn and fewer soybeans this spring than they did last year, hoping to eke out a profit and shield themselves from U.S. President Donald Trump ...
With that in mind, let’s review how we maximize soybean yield today in our quest to reach the next level. 1. Understand Your Mission “A soybean producer’s job is to use the big three factors ...
I mean, I milked that puppy for all it was worth,” Below told a packed room of farmers and agronomists during the recent Soybean Field Advisor Forum in Champaign, Ill. The Illinois Soybean ...
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