The first-ever sounds of sharks have been captured by researchers, according to a new study in the journal Royal Society Open ...
Researchers detected short clicking noises from rig sharks during handling in the lab, though they're not sure why or how the sound is produced ...
The octopus in question was no lightweight. It was a Māori octopus, the largest octopus species in the Southern Hemisphere.
Two male killer whales are on a killing spree in the waters off the coast of South Africa. These creatures are known to make ...
Clicklike noises made by a small species of shark represent the first instance of a shark actively producing sound ...
A species of houndshark called Mustelus lenticulatus makes sharp clicking noises when handled. Until now, sharks as a group ...
Somehow, a large orange octopus has been riding a mako shark off the coast of New Zealand. Researchers are mystified.
Two killer whales have killed dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks, including the vaunted great whites, with an ease that has ...
Many people, even those living far from the ocean, are afraid of sharks. Popular culture commonly portrays sharks as ...
For the first time, a group of killer whales has been documented preying upon a prickly shark, a rare deep-sea dweller, according to a study published on March 20 in the journal Frontiers in Fish ...
Despite the diminishment of joy Poopdeck felt as he entered retirement, he loved his long tenure as a fisherman. In December ...
As the recreational fishery chips away at shark populations outside the boundaries of scientists’ data books — and as a new ...