Shaded plants use green and far-red light for photosynthesis. Findings could transform greenhouse horticulture.
This is exciting because it can allow city planners a realistic, data-based glimpse into the future of trees in an urban ...
The Florida Wildlife Corridor's 18 million acres protects endangered species and the environment. But you can do your part by ...
Bare-root seedings will be provided to local residents as part of an onging effort to replenish the tree canopy.
The city’s updated Shade Master Plan calls for trees and built structures at bus stops to protect residents from heat.
A groundbreaking multi-year study on coffee agroforestry in Costa Rica’s Caribbean lowlands revealed promising strategies to ...
Miami Beach’s picturesque palms are likely to continue their iconic presence in the city. City commissioners voted ...
As I drive to and from winter recreation sites in the Central Gorge and nearby mountains, I can’t help but notice the native ...
We need to think much more holistically” about responding to extreme heat, said Adam Freed, a Bloomberg Associates principal ...
You can harvest a bountiful crop of vegetables even if your garden is spotty on sunshine. Each of these tasty vegetables will ...
After we cut down aging trees in our Guilderland yard, a northern flicker tried to build a shelter in the trim of our home.