The clip was uploaded by Roman Fedortsov, a Russian trawlerman who photographs the sea monsters he’s accidentally ... a species of marine ray-finned fish that grows to over a foot long and ...
Newborns use their voices like human infants, research scientist says. Hungry? Cry for food. Scared of a looming large adult ...
An unprecedented sighting of a “black seadevil” fish in surface waters triggered a global outpouring of empathy for the deep ...
In February, researchers from conservation organization Condrik Tenerife were about two kilometers off the coast of Tenerife ...
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.
Turtle soup became a popular delicacy in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the dish appearing on ...
Tyler Cornack's 'Mermaid' plumbs a 'Florida man' premise for its heartbreak and melancholy, but the SXSW selection is missing ...
One year ago today, a Kendal fisherman said that there had been a 'decline' in big salmon swimming up the River Kent, despite 16lb and 36lb ...
Walvis Bay is a port city on the Atlantic coast of Namibia that is home to an enormous sea salt production plant ... feeding ground for shrimp and larval fish, which in turn attracts birds.
A rare predatory fish which lives 2,000 metres below sea level has been spotted in broad daylight. Spanish shark researchers say they may have captured the first-ever footage of a black seadevil fish.