It went before a committee comprised of LISD employees and parents that voted 6-5 in favor of keeping it on the school's ...
The USDA said it is promoting wiser government spending, but schools say it will make it tougher to serve healthy meals.
Alexandria Area High School’s Empty Bowls Project, in its 12th year, will, for the first time, present food donated by local restaurants. For $5 you can have a soup or chili meal; for $10, a soup or ...
Censoring, or "banning" books in Rhode Island schools is in the spotlight again with the reintroduction of the "Freedom to Read" bill, that would shield libraries, librarians, schools and teachers ...
Senate Bill 13 states that school districts would appoint an advisory council, made up of mostly parents, recommending which ...
It went before a committee comprised of LISD employees and parents that voted 6-5 in favor of keeping it on the school's library shelves. Zuniga said everyone on that committee who sided with him ...