Mills Middle School teacher Jason McKnight waves to his students before his 45-minute flight with the Blue Angels at Mather ...
Central PA students joined on Tuesday to compete in the annual K'Nex design challenge. Newswatch 16's Justin Gick shows us ...
Budding rocket engineers launched their futures at the UK CanSat competition, held at Westcott on the first week of March.
First-grade students at Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Pierce Terrace Elementary on Fort Jackson, S.C.
"Traditional" Florida elementary schools here now offering robotics, aviation and community gardens in an effort to boost declining enrollments.
A STEM-focused elementary school opening next school year in Riverside has paired with a space engineering company to mentor students. Casa Blanca Elementary School, set to open in August, will ...
Jefferson County Public Schools will have a nontraditional instruction day Wednesday due to snow. Bullitt County Public Schools will have a traditional snow day Wednesday, with no remote learning ...
These Rockets took off, filling a trophy case and leaving a legacy. It's a legacy that includes an 83-22 record over four years, two league titles and two district championships. It also includes ...