Under the right conditions, these traditional bass and muskie baits will catch way more species than you ever imagined.
Looking for new fishing lures? Here are some great options to add to your tackle box as you head onto the open water.
Salt River Tubing is gearing up for spring and summer 2025. Here's your guide to floating the river, including prices, hours ...
While the show is indoors, the goal is to get more people outdoors. Connecticut fishing and wildlife enthusiasts are ...
Malibu and MasterCraft have strong brands and minimal debt but face a steep industry decline. Click here to read my most ...
Are the Dogwood or Magnolia trees in your state in bloom? That's a good sign that the bass are becoming active.
Want to enjoy the many recreational freshwater fishing opportunities Florida has to offer but don't have a license? Grab a ...
Photo by Will Parson / Chesapeake Bay Program On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an emergency petition from Maryland fishing groups to block new fishing restrictions around striped bass.
Shakespeare Company William Shakespeare Jr., whose contributions date back to the late 1800s, revolutionized all of fishing with his level-wind reel which spread line evenly across the spool for ...
Non-resident fishing licenses range from $17 to $47 ... need to obtain Florida licenses and permits to hunt, freshwater or saltwater fish. Snowbirds and spring breakers are flocking to Florida ...
Yes, non-residents can obtain fishing licenses through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Licenses can be purchased online, in person at a tax collector's office or license agent, ...
A Saltwater Fishing License is required when ... blue crab without a fishing license and do not relate to hook and line fishing): You can use three or fewer drop nets. You can use three or fewer ...