salmonella, Blue Ridge Beef

You've probably heard that Salmonella is most commonly transmitted through food or water contaminated by the bacteria of the ...
Canadian health authorities have raised the alarm after discovering salmonella in eggs from at least six different brands.
Research from the University of Surrey links changing temperatures to the increasing spread of Salmonella, showing that a warmer climate, higher humidity and longer daylight hours may have contributed ...
Here are ways to help our feathered friends during bird flu season, and help slow spread of salmonella at feeders, bird baths ...
Climate change is impacting the spread of Salmonella, according to new research from the University of Surrey.
Most of us are familiar with salmonella bacteria as a potential cause of gastrointestinal disease in humans. 
 The severe ...
Climate change is impacting the spread of Salmonella, according to new research. This research follows previous work from the team, which found that weather change is leading to the spread of ...