I write about retail and the forces that are redefining shopping. Rokt, a leading e-commerce technology platform, which uses AI and machine learning to make transactions more relevant to ...
A barangay tanod tragically lost his life after being stabbed in the neck while chasing an e-bike thief in Binondo, Manila, early Sunday, February 16, according to the Manila Police District (MPD).
In 2023 reden er ook al veel minder kolentreinen vol naar Duitsland en leeg retour, maar dat kwam toen niet onverwachts na een enorme piek in 2022. Die was weer het gevolg van de Russische inval ...
Rokt separately agrees to $300 million purchase of mParticle E-commerce group has plans to go public in first half of 2026 E-commerce company Rokt has agreed a secondary share sale with investors ...