A new report published Wednesday by Consumer Reports discovered that perchlorate — a chemical commonly used in rocket fuel, missiles and explosives — is also found in various food products ...
This will give you 10x Rocket Fuel and 1x Compacted Coal as products. It will take six seconds for the Blender to produce the fuel and you can get a total of 100 Rocket Fuels per minute if you ...
We are fascinated by the hybrid rocket engine which [Ben Krasnow] built and tested in his shop. It is actually using a hollow cylinder of acrylic as the fuel, with gaseous oxygen as an oxidizer.
For nearly a year, SpaceX has been trying out something new: super-cooling the liquid oxygen (LOX) which is a key ingredient in rocket fuel. It's called deep-cryo LOX, and the idea has been around ...
“By integrating Rocket Fuel and community-driven voting ... We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and ...
While many scientists are looking into theoretical space engines, others are focusing on the tried and true—such as plain old-fashioned engines that burn rocket fuel. In this new study ...
He’s allergic to chocolate. Instead of eating the stuff, he’s using it to build model rocket engines. The project stems from the Quelab Hackerspace’s chocolate hacking challenge which ...
Iran received the first of two Chinese shipments of a rocket fuel precursor chemical on Thursday, CNN reported. The Iranian registered ship, Golbon, arrived in Bandar Abbas on Thursday ...
After lift-off, the rocket quickly burns through its fuel. Once the tanks are empty, they break away from the rest of the rocket and fall back to Earth. When the astronauts reach the ISS ...