Plenty of video games take us to outer space, but only the best space RPGs let you chart your own odyssey through the stars.
Fulqrum Publishing and developers Acid Man Games and Fire Plant Games have revealed that Viscerafest, their retro styled ...
These incredible science fiction adventures deliver thoughtful world-building, exciting action, and deep exploration to ...
Mega-ambitious open world sci-fi RPG Beta Decay is coming to early access this year. The game's retro PS1-inspired mechs and ...
One upcoming sci-fi horror game draws inspiration from some of the unsung and beloved classics of the genre and is set to ...
In the realm of retro science fiction cinema, "Forbidden Planet" is unanimously considered a Hollywood classic and ranks at the top of almost any serious list of seminal outer space films.
Science fiction has provided us with some of the most intellectually stimulating, visually breathtaking, and emotionally intense films ever made.