With enough sun, rusty blackhaw viburnum will produce clusters of white flowers in spring, followed by berry-like fruits that ripen in October and turn to red and then blue-black later in the season.
This viburnum is a show-stopper in the fall, with yellow, red, or reddish-purple leaves. Found in nature in well-drained, upland woods of the southeast, rusty blackhaw (V. rufidulum) forms a ...
From horses to world-class views, there are many highlights on the winding byways from Lexington to distilleries on the ...
Fast-growing shrubs will make a difference to your outdoor space in record time and provide colour, foliage, privacy or shade ...
The ground is soft and wet, the official start of spring has passed and planting native species can bring beauty as well as ...
It also said that glasshouse thrips and red spider mites have been thriving in gardens during recent warm summers and are on ...
It also said that glasshouse thrips and red spider mites have been thriving ... limiting damage to bay trees, viburnum and tomatoes this year. Hayley Jones, principal entomologist at the RHS ...