Several creatures in the world have become extinct over time. However, there are some animals that have seemingly returned ...
Danny Anduza is a paleontologist. Hailing from Oakland, California, he made a long, multistate journey to offer support for ...
Scientists have discovered the fossilized remains of a new fish species called Ferruaspis brocksi, which lived 15 million ...
Some creatures have remained unchanged for millions of years, surviving drastic climate shifts and evolution. Meet 10 living ...
For decades, the coelacanthexisted only in fossil records—until one turned up in a South African fishing net. It was 1938 ...
The coelacanth, a 400-million-year-old ancient fish, was assumed to be extinct until its rediscovery in 1938, revealing the ...
In a world where new species are constantly being discovered, some creatures remain hidden in the depths of the ocean, ...
Australian scientists have discovered an ancient freshwater fish fossil with its stomach contents remarkably preserved. In a ...
Researchers classify the coelacanth under the group Sarcopterygii, which include the earliest ancestors of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
Scientists discovered a 15-million-year-old fish fossil, Ferruaspis brocksi. It has preserved stomach contents and visible ...
Rare evidence about the lives of an ancient group of arthropods has been uncovered in the U.S. The findings of the study are ...