They work as hard as bees to pollinate our plants, often look and sound like bees but have no sting – yet hoverflies remain ...
Commonly called rock cress, aubretia is a nice spillover plant on walls, and, of course, it beautifully accents rocks in the garden. Both plants come in shades of pink and purple, but it is the ...
Gedney have its own delivery transport and offer quick order turnaround in season and are situated in the Lincolnshire fens ...
Give your budding flowers and green shoots a helping hand this week, tackle unwelcome invaders and start coaxing your lawn ...
The Royal Horticultural Society and the Wildlife Trusts are calling on UK gardeners to get behind a campaign to the humble ...
Wallflowers, as their name has come to suggest, are often overlooked. However, their versatility makes them an asset to any ...
Five years ago my mother moved from a semi-detached house in the suburbs to an apartment complex near the city. At home she’d had front and back gardens. Now she’s very happily downsized to a smallish ...
Last year's winner was the Irish Garden Plant Society’s rare aubrieta shangarry, a double flowering plant resembling parma violets.
The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and The Wildlife Trusts are calling on gardeners across the country to help save hoverflies. This fly family is the second most significant pollinator after bees ...