You'll likely have to lower your aesthetic standards a bit. But getting to relish two of life's greatest pleasures ...
Companion planting is a mutually beneficial placement of compatible plants and natural pest management — the keys to complete ...
Certain herbs make excellent neighbors to tomatoes in the vegetable garden, repelling pests, keeping down weeds, and ...
Tulip bulbs can produce offshoot bulbs and multiply but it's a slow process. Learn which tulip species are the best choices for naturalizing and how you can help tulip bulbs multiply.
Raised garden beds offer numerous benefits and can expand the variety of plants you are able to grow in a landscape. Discover ...
Many things bring comfort to our daily lives: a visit from a favorite friend, one we just met or a childhood playmate; a ...
If these aggressive and invasive plants aren’t contained, they can end up harming the environment, animals, insects, and ...
Most of Lancaster County jumped from hardiness zone 6b to 7a, reflecting an average low temperature increase of 4 degrees ...
It’s the time of year to fill the peat pods with soil and plant your seedlings.If you are looking for the right flavor for ...
Planting of spring annuals can begin once soil temperatures at seeding depths are between 42 to 45 degrees F. While oats are ...
Because life isn’t all peas and carrots, companion planting is just as effective in your ornamental beds and borders as with your vegetables.
Herbs enjoy sun all day and need at least six hours of direct sun to produce high amounts of flavorful oils. Many herbs ...