Patients in Germany sometimes complain about long waits to see the doctor, especially for specialist care. Some have ...
As a pediatrician and pediatric interventional cardiologist, Dr. Alesandro Larrazabal, chief medical officer and cofounder of ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- head of Health and Human Services -- says U.S. has one of the worst health comes despite spending ...
"As a nurse, I wanted to create a stethoscope system that would offer a wireless means of listening to the heart and lungs," ...
For discounted bulk orders, or to order by phone, call 1-800-836-6397. Cancer mortality has fallen, but increases in common forms of the disease pose a threat to that progress—especially for you ...
1 stethoscope.” Agents also found “1 set of copper handcuffs,” a range of different-coloured massage tables, several sculptures and busts depicting naked women and multiple photos of Epstein ...
Schrier, who is a pediatrician, was stunned by Kennedy’s response. “He’s full of, you can put four letters there,” she told HuffPost. “Starts with an ‘S.’” The fact that a child has died from a ...
2017;43(1):77. doi:10.1186%2Fs13052-017-0396-2 American Heart Association. Warning signs of heart failure. Dr. Bass is a board-certified internist, pediatrician, and a Fellow of the American Academy ...
Most of those infected are children. The number of hospitalizations is rising, however—Dr. Lara Johnson, a pediatrician and the chief medical officer at Covenant Children’s Hospital in Lubbock ...
She walks out, places her hospital ID and stethoscope on the counter, and collapses on the floor. Then the screen fades to black, leaving her fate open-ended. Showrunner Clyde Phillips later ...