It's much easier to amend and improve the soil before you plant than try to remedy the situation after your fruit trees start ...
That’s why learning how to get rid of fruit flies is vital, especially if you love a countertop fruit bowl. “They especially ...
There are new signs that a dangerous fungus is once again on the move. Candida auris is a type of yeast that can cause ...
Apple trees aren’t easy to grow because they need consistent care, including precisely timed spraying and pruning, to ...
The late Pete Graske planted so many trees during his time as mayor of Oakdale that he earned the moniker of “Mr. Tree.” Graske, who died in 2012 at the age of 88, was responsible for planting and ...
If pollen from a hot pepper fertilizes the flower of a sweet pepper, all the hot pepper genes from the father plant go into ...
If you're pressed for space, a micro orchard will allow you to grow many fruits in place of one or two trees, and you'll be ...
If you’re thinking of planting for pollinators this spring, I will be teaching a one-hour class at the Columbus Public ...
If you're growing fruit trees, then harvesting the (literal) fruits of your labor is the most exciting part. To speed that ...
This week's column shares tips on peach trees and advice for moving a crepe myrtle tree and dividing maiden grass — possibly with an ax.
“If you follow the instructions, your grafted plants will produce high quality fruits and reduce the maturing time. If an ordinary tree takes two years to produce fruits, a grafted one will take about ...