Apple trees aren’t easy to grow because they need consistent care, including precisely timed spraying and pruning, to ...
If you’re thinking of planting for pollinators this spring, I will be teaching a one-hour class at the Columbus Public ...
Want fresh, delicious fruit? Plant these fast-growing fruit trees that grow well in Southern climates. Experts share what to ...
MacCubbin gives Florida gardening advice on Confederate jasmine, satsuma mandarin, hibiscus, tibouchina, peach trees, St.
As the calendar turns to spring with its lengthening days of warm sunshine, flowers begin to appear on fruit trees across ...
A major attraction for many visitors is the fertile plains of Imathia and Pella – "The view is better than the cherry ...
Peach blossoms have transformed a village in Linwu county, Hunan province, into a popular spring destination. The blooms have ...
Spring is cherry blossom season and you can see the showy pink and white flowers in Arizona. Here's the best place and time ...
Gardeners wondering what to do in the garden this season should consider putting fruit outside for an important reason.
Here's how to grow a lemon tree from seed indoors and care for it with a well-draining pot and ample sunlight. Plus, get ...
How does the idea of a compact, aromatic, and fun-to-grow citrus tree strike you? It does sound good, doesn’t it, so let's ...
This week's column shares tips on peach trees and advice for moving a crepe myrtle tree and dividing maiden grass — possibly with an ax.