Exploration of the outer solar system may be getting a boost from the Vera Rubin Observatory (VRO). When this gigantic ...
A NASA spacecraft far from Earth has made an unexpected discovery, after turning its instruments towards a dark patch of sky ...
The New Horizons spacecraft has come out of hibernation to begin preparations for its January 2019 flyby of the Kuiper Belt object (KBO) 2014 MU69, nicknamed “Ultima Thule”. The flyby ...
We know about Pluto. But we don’t really know it. That will change on July 14, when NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to fly within 8,000 miles of the frozen dwarf. It’s a risky ...
“New Horizons shattered a major paradigm of planetary science,” says Alan Stern, the mission’s principal investigator. “Pluto turns out to have as much complexity as Mars or Earth, so much so that I ...
Campaign to ‘Decolonize’ Shakespeare’s Hometown Exposes DEI’s Double Standards Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there. We need a pick-me-up. Amid the vandalizing ...
Flyby New Horizons Pluto Solar System Spacecraft Get the best tech, science, and culture news in your inbox daily. News from the future, delivered to your present. Please select your desired ...
At this very moment, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is more than 3 billion miles from Earth. To put that into perspective, think about how mind-numbingly far the Sun is from Earth. Then multiply ...
Radioisotope thermoelectric generators do not rely on chemical reactions like the batteries in your phone. Instead, they rely ...
The pictures are often gorgeously detailed eye candy, but the latest batch of images from the space agency is remarkable for an entirely different reason. Captured by NASA’s New Horizons ...